Information on biocides

Information on biocides

Information on biocides

ECHA updates the Article 95 list on a regular basis. The information on the list is accurate to the extent of ECHA's knowledge. For an entry on the Article 95 list to be corrected, the applicant needs to make the relevant change in R4BP3 (e.g. for Review Programme participants where the active substance application is not yet approved, and companies that are listed based on an application for Article 95 inclusion). Where this is not possible (for further details, see the Annex to the form ‘Request for corrections of entry on the Article 95 list’), companies have to request the change by submitting the afore-mentioned form through the ECHA contact forms. Depending on the complexity of the request for modification, the time to take it into account may vary.

In case of doubt, or for instructions on how to make a certain change in R4BP 3, please contact the ECHA helpdesk through the ECHA contact forms.

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Authentic version: Only the Article 95 list published on this website in PDF format is deemed authentic. The XLS version is made available as a courtesy in order to facilitate companies access to data and ECHA accepts no liability for the accuracy of that version of the Article 95 list as well as with regard to the use that may be made of the information contained in it. Usage of the information in the XLS version remains under the sole responsibility of the user.